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Author name: NDER NEWS

‘Stepping it up’ in the fight against climate change across Derbyshire.

Recycle more and recycle better is the message for the 18th annual Recycle Week which starts on Monday 20 September, and we are helping to spread the word. We’ re asking residents to ‘Step It Up’ in the fight against climate change and take action to protect our environment through even better recycling habits. The latest […]

‘Stepping it up’ in the fight against climate change across Derbyshire. Read More »

Poets urged to enter Derbyshire libraries’ national poetry day competition

Derbyshire libraries have launched a poetry competition to mark National Poetry Day on Thursday 7 October 2021. The theme of the competition is inspired by the theme of National Poetry Day, which is ‘choice’. To enter the competition poets must create a poem on the theme of choice in 200 words or less. The competition

Poets urged to enter Derbyshire libraries’ national poetry day competition Read More »

Derbyshire’s Crimefighting Duo win national highly commended award.

Derbyshire’s ‘formidable’ crimefighting team, consists of Dog Handler PC Andy Bailey, cash and drugs detection dog PD Tilly and general purpose dog PD Riley. The Thin Blue Paw Foundation, a national dog welfare charity that celebrates and supports working and retired police dogs across the UK, held their inaugural Thin Blue Paw Awards ceremony on Thursday evening.

Derbyshire’s Crimefighting Duo win national highly commended award. Read More »

19 new council properties for Whaley Thorns receive planning approval

Nineteen new council properties are set to be built in Whaley Thorns after they received planning permission. The planning committee approved the application at their meeting on Wednesday 15 September 2021 and it will see a mix of bungalows (x2 units) and two-storey houses (x17 houses) to help meet a local housing need. The development

19 new council properties for Whaley Thorns receive planning approval Read More »

Five more statues added to miner’s memorial at Markham Vale.

Five new statues have been added to the ‘Walking Together’ mining memorial at our Markham Vale Business Park, commemorating miners who tragically lost their lives in 3 major disasters at Markham Colliery. The ‘Walking Together’ memorial trail by Artist Stephen Broadbent symbolises a miner’s journey to the pit and back and represents the men who

Five more statues added to miner’s memorial at Markham Vale. Read More »

Regional unemployment rate remains below UK average for second successive month

Unemployment in the East Midlands has grown slightly – but remains below the national average, according to the latest figures. The region’s unemployment rate for the period between May and July 2021 was 4.4%, up by 0.1% compared to between April and June, the Office for National Statistics’ latest regional labour market report revealed. But

Regional unemployment rate remains below UK average for second successive month Read More »

Peak District and Derbyshire Christmas Market returns for 2021.

A popular virtual Christmas market showcasing some of Derbyshire’s best creatives, artisans and producers will return from this November. Following the success of the first virtual Peak District & Derbyshire Christmas Market last year, traders will once again be given the opportunity to showcase and sell their products to thousands of potential customers. Marketing Peak

Peak District and Derbyshire Christmas Market returns for 2021. Read More »

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