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Winster drink driver who killed partner in crash is jailed

A woman who crashed her car into a shop while more than twice the drink drive limit, killing her partner, has been jailed.

Lucy Pegler drank lager, rum, wine and other alcohol before getting behind the wheel of her Fiat 500 to drive her partner Kyle Shimwell and two other friends home following a night out in Bakewell.

As she drove along King Street, she failed to negotiate a slight bend, mounted a kerb and collided with the front of a shop.

Mr Shimwell, who was the front seat passenger, and was not wearing a seatbelt, suffered serious injuries after the collision which occurred on 7 January 23.

He was taken to the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield where he died two days later on 9 January, aged 21.

In a victim personal statement read out at court, Mr Shimwell’s father said: “I cannot put into words the hurt and pain losing Kyle has inflicted on our lives.

“No parent should have to bury a child in any circumstances. But the fact that this needless waste of life was caused by a conscious decision made by someone else makes this even more unbearable.

“I now struggle to look into the future and towards the good things that might happen. Now I just wait for the bad things to turn up.

“Losing a child at any time, let alone in such tragic circumstances changes you mentally and physically.

“People keep on saying it will get better over time. I’m struggling to believe that. I think the wound will heal in time but the scar that is left behind will be there forever.

“Kyle lost his life because of Lucy Pegler’s decision to drink drive even though the journey home would have been a ten-minute walk.

“We as a family hope she receives the full punishment she deserves not only to make her pay for what she has done but hopefully send a message out to others of how that decision can take lives and destroy others.”

Pegler failed a roadside breath test following the crash and was arrested at the scene. She was later found to be more than twice the legal limit.

The 22-year-old, of East Bank, Winster, was later charged with causing death by dangerous driving. She initially denied the charge before pleading guilty in August 2024 to causing death through careless driving and while unfit through drink.

She appeared at Derby Crown Court for sentence on 26 September when she was jailed for four and half years.

Detective Constable Diane McDermott, who led the investigation, said: “This was an appalling piece of driving by Pegler who was heavily under the influence of alcohol at the time and showed no regard for the safety of her passengers.

“Her actions on that night ultimately led to the death of Mr Shimwell, who at just 21 years of age, had his whole life ahead of him.

“This tragic incident shows the very real consequences of drink driving and general carelessness while behind the wheel.

“Our thoughts remain with Mr Shimwell’s family and I hope that this case will serve as a warning to other drivers about what can happen if you take risks on the roads.”

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