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Stalking: what did you want to know?

As part of a national week of action, Derbyshire Constabulary’s dedicated stalking coordinator is answering some commonly asked questions.

Charlotte Doohan provides a whole host of advice on all types of stalking, ensuring that officers are equipped with the right knowledge as well as additional support they can access for the victim. She also looks at the support available for victims and ensures they can access the guidance and tools they need.

To mark the end of National Stalking Awareness Week, Charlotte took on some commonly asked questions around the who, what, why, where and when’s surrounding stalking and how it is dealt with.

Find out more and watch the video below:

If you’re unsure or worried about someone’s actions, or feel unsafe, don’t stay silent.

If their actions fit any of the ‘four’ warning signs – fixated, obsessive, unwanted, repeated – it isn’t right. Report it.

If you, or a loved one, are in immediate danger then you should call 999 immediately.

For concerns that are not immediate you can contact us using any of the below methods:

For more information, visit: Stalking and harassment | Derbyshire Constabulary