Derbyshire residents will have a say in the direction of transport across the county, as the council sets to work forming a new travel strategy.
Derbyshire County Council will hold a public consultation in the New Year over the new Integrated Local Transport Plan, which sets out how people, goods and services move around the county.
Speaking in a meeting of Derbyshire County Council on Thursday, October 13, Cabinet member for Infrastructure and Environment Councillor Carolyn Renwick explained that the new transport plan would replace the old strategy that runs up until 2026.
Guidance from the Department of Transport puts emphasis on three key themes, which are growing and levelling of the economy, improving transport for users and reducing environmental impacts.
Coun Renwick commented: “Given this council’s strong commitment to decarbonisation and the increasing need to ensure our residents and visitors are able to make good or better choices and whether, when and how to travel there’s increasing drive for an integrated proposal for all modes of transport and travel to be consolidated to a place shaping document.”
The council has been awarded grant funding of £178k to carry out this project and aims to hold the consultation between January and March next year, with a provisional plan in place by March 2024.