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Man charged after police officer is allegedly assaulted in Ripley.

A man has been charged with assaulting an emergency worker by beating after a constable was allegedly punched in the head.

Carl Lewis (29) of Greenaway Avenue, Ripley, is due to appear before magistrates in Chesterfield later this month.

Officers were called to Church Street, Ripley, at about 12.30am yesterday (Sunday 31 October) to reports of disorder inside and outside Crib Bar, involving a large number of people.

An attending officer was allegedly assaulted and a 30-year-old man and an 18-year-old woman were both injured and taken to hospital.

Detective Inspector Steve Topham said: “We are still investigating what happened to the man and woman and the investigation to trace those responsible continues.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has come forward with information so far. If you were there that night and witnessed what happened, but have yet to contact police, I would urge you to do so.”

Witnesses, or anyone with information, should contact us quoting incident 35 of October 31.

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