A former High Peak pub landlord who groomed a teenage girl has been jailed.
The abuse began when the victim was 15. Graeme Maltby-Baker sent the teenager text messages as well as making sexual comments to her. He then began taking her out in his vehicle on a regular basis where he would kiss her, touch her through her clothes and demand oral sex.
The abuse continued for months with Maltby-Baker repeatedly forcing the girl to have sex with him, often in the back of his car.
The offending came to light in 2018 when the victim contacted police.
Maltby-Baker, formerly of the Bull I’th Thorn pub near Buxton, but now living in Killordan, Scramoge, in Ireland admitted four counts of sexual activity with a child aged 16 or under when he appeared at Derby Crown Court on 3 February.
The 77-year-old was jailed for a total of six years and nine months. He must also sign the sex offenders register for life.

In a personal statement read out in court, the victim spoke of how she can still ‘feel his rough smelly moustache’ on her face.
She added: “I was a quarter of this man’s age, I thought I could trust him. Why did he do this to me?
“This man took over some of the most important years of my life. I sometimes have vivid violent nightmares. It’s the norm for me to wake up in terror screaming.”
The detective who led the investigation. said: “The victim in this case has been incredibly brave in coming forward and her courage and dignity throughout the whole process must be commended.
“As well as the physical abuse she endured, the victim has also had to deal with years of emotional and mental trauma as a result of Maltby-Baker’s predatory behaviour.
“I hope this sentence can now go some way towards helping her to get some closure on this horrific chapter of her life, and allow her to begin looking to the future.
“I’d also like to encourage anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse or violence of any kind to come forward and speak to police. No matter how long ago the offending occurred, cases such as this can result in a conviction.”
If you or someone you know has been the victim of rape, sexual assault or another sexual offence please reach out for help and support.
We have added a Rape and Sexual Assault reporting tool to our website. Here you can report something that’s happened to you, or to someone else. To access it, visit: https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/ro/report/rsa/alpha-v1/v1/rape-sexual-assault-other-sexual-offences/
You can report anonymously, without giving us your details. We won’t judge you; we’ll treat you with respect, and we’ll always put your health and wellbeing first.
Alternatively, you can contact us using the following methods:
- Facebook– send us a private message to the Derbyshire Constabulary Facebook page
- Twitter– direct message our contact centre via @DerPolContact
- Phone – call us on 101.
If you have been affected by a similar crime, whether recent or non-recent, and would like some support you can contact SV2 – a Derbyshire based organisation who support victims of sexual violence.
Online www.sv2.org.uk or via their advice line 01773 746 115 (open 7 days a week 8am – 5pm).
You can contact Sv2 regardless of whether you wish to report an incident to police.