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“Don’t be the only one”: stark message sent over airways during national knife crime campaign

A stark message has been played over Derbyshire’s airwaves as part of a national knife crime campaign.

“Don’t be the only one” is an anti-knife crime message created by Derbyshire C to supplement Operation Sceptre, a twice-yearly week of action, during which residents across all areas in Derbyshire will see additional policing activity, which is showcasing the force’s work on preventing knife crime.

Beginning with simply wanting to fit in, the recording follows a fictional male character who, through simply wanting to fit in, goes from buying the latest shoes and phone to carrying a knife, claiming it is for protection.

Ultimately, he is sent to prison, after being the ‘only one that got caught’.

The message highlights the impact knife crime can have on those involved and the people around them and has been playing across a number of radio stations in Derbyshire this week.

Whilst this week there is a focus on raising the issue of knife crime, we would reassure everyone that Derbyshire is absolutely safe place to work and live. It is part of a national campaign we are supporting, and is all about highlighting prevention work, starting conversations and raising awareness that is key to keeping it this way

When it does happen, however, the impact knife crime can have on victims, families who have lost loved ones and others involved is devasting, and this is clear to see from a number of cases – with mothers still expecting their sons to “walk through the door”, and survivors “still thinking about what happened” years on from their ordeal.

This message is to the point and it is impactful, touching on social pressures which nearly every young person is likely to have felt. It also makes it clear the position anyone could be put in if they choose to carry a knife. Quite simply, it has been shown that they are putting themselves in more danger by doing so.

This is why we support this campaign, it’s why we are out in the communities and creating these types of messages which are really impactful…to educate people and prevent anyone else in Derbyshire having to go through this.

Anyone who sees officers out and about in their communities this week is encouraged to speak to them and find about more about their activity.

You can find out more and listen to the soundbite in the video below:

#OpSceptre #KnivesShatterLives #DropTheKnife
If you are concerned about knife crime in your area or have information about someone who is carrying a knife contact us using the following non-emergency methods:
• Facebook – send us a private message to /DerbyshireConstabulary
• Twitter – direct message our contact centre on @DerPolContact
• Website – complete the online contact form www.derbyshire.police.uk/Contact-Us.
• Phone – call us on 101.
You can also anonymously contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111 or by visiting www.crimestoppers-uk.org
Always ring 999 in an emergency.