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    Sunday, 14:00 - 16:00
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  • Dan Davis
    Sunday, 14:00 - 16:00
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Councillors campaign against Universal Credit cut in Shirebrook.

Councillors and members of the community have been in Shirebrook Market Square today (5 November 2021) campaigning against the cut in Universal Credit.

Councillors Sandra Peake and Liz Smyth joined the campaign against the £20 cut to Universal Credit which came into effect on Wednesday 6 October.

Millions of people are now facing a very bleak Christmas as this will have a significant negative impact on the poorest and most vulnerable people, families and communities across Bolsover District.

Many people who are supported by social work services receive Universal Credit and a £20 a week cut from their allowance will make it more difficult to get on in life, or even make ends meet.

Members of the public were asked to support the campaign and sign a petition against the cut so it could be sent to the Government.