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A Derbyshire man who raped a child is jailed.

A man from Derby has been jailed for raping and sexually abusing a young teenage girl.

Mark Wetton, of Brighton Road, pleaded guilty to the offences and was also placed on the sex offenders register for life.

The 46-year-old would pay her to carry out sexual acts and would threaten to punish her if she said no.

As a result of his actions the victim continues to have nightmares and finds herself triggered when she smells the same aftershave he used to wear.

She was able to confide in other family members about what had happened, who then reported the incidents to police and an investigation was carried out.

Wetton was sentenced to a total of 18 years imprisonment, plus one year on extended licence, the hearing at Derby Crown Court on Tuesday 7 December.

Detective Constable Luanne Heeley, who investigated the case, said: “We welcome this significant custodial sentence, as Wetton persistently offended and targeted a vulnerable young child.

“The dreadful offences he committed will no doubt have a long-lasting effect on the victim, and she has shown immense bravery in being able to come forward and report what happened to her.

“I hope that Wetton’s sentencing encourages anyone who has been suffered to similar offending to report it, and feel confident that they will receive the help and support they need from our specialist officers and other support agencies we work alongside.”

If you have been a victim of rape or sexual assault, please report the incident as soon as possible – even if you are not 100% sure about what has happened. If you are not ready to talk to the police then you can contact a range of different partner agencies who will provide you with support, advice and medical help.

If you are a survivor of rape that has not taken place recently you are still able to access support and report this to police.

For information, details on how to report and to find out the support services available in Derbyshire, please click here:  https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rsa/rape-and-sexual-assault/

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