Dust off your thinking caps – Bolsover Council are giving you the chance to name their new street sweeping vehicles.
If you can do better than Sweep, Sweeping Beauty or Dustin Timberlake then let us have your suggestions.
Running until 31 January 2022, The council are asking residents to suggest names for their 3 new street sweeper vehicles which are out and about cleaning our District. The chosen names will be proudly displayed on each of the new vehicles.
Cabinet Member for the Environment Councillor Deborah Watson said, “We want residents to feel part of our team and take an interest in what we do and what better way than helping us to choose names for our street sweepers. And if you are one of the lucky ones to be chosen you will see your suggestion emblazoned on the side of the three new vehicles.”
The sweeper vehicles are responsible for keeping the roads and pavements across the 62 square miles of Bolsover District cleaning and clearing litter and other debris.
They are supported by a dedicated team of street cleansing operatives who sweep, litter pick, empty litter bins, remove weeds and graffiti, as well as many other things to keep the District clean and tidy.
To make your suggestions please email us and give us your best name – just remember to keep it fun but clean!