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New public footpath and cycleway to create healthy connections in Creswell.

A new public footpath and cycleway is to be developed at Gypsy Lane in Creswell to help encourage healthy lifestyles

The Gypsy Lane footpath will be from Elmton Road in Creswell to Stoney View in the new housing estate off Skinner Street and will create onward connections from the Clowne Greenway to the village centre and the railway station. Clowne Greenway is a very popular traffic-free route running through a wildlife corridor between Seymour and Creswell and is part of our key cycle network.

Funding for the path of over £30,000 was secured by Bolsover District Council from the developers of the new housing estate who have already built the section linking Stoney View and the start of the Clowne Greenway. We will manage the work to create an all-weather surface route for walkers, cyclists, buggies and mobility scooters. We will also maintain the path.

Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Highways Assets and Transport, said:

“This is a very welcome development and an excellent example of our joint working with colleagues at Bolsover District Council and in the private sector.

“It may only be a short path, but it provides lots of useful connections and a joined-up approach to help promote car free journeys in line with our efforts to help reduce carbon emissions across the county to net zero by 2050 or sooner. Net zero means reducing our carbon emissions right down to the lowest possible level and offsetting those that cannot be cut through measures such as planting more trees and other forms of habitat creation to absorb excess carbon from the atmosphere, making the overall net emissions zero.

“We know that the Clowne Greenway is very popular and this path gives it another link.

“It all helps our determination to support residents in making healthy and more environmentally friendly lifestyle choices and encouraging visitors to the area.”

Find out more about walking and cycling routes in Derbyshire.