£9.41m has already been committed to Clay Cross regeneration projects out of a Government funding pot of £24.1m.
The figure was revealed in an update on Clay Cross Town Deal at a meeting of North East Derbyshire District Council on Monday, October 3, following a question by a ward member.
In a question to the cabinet member for economy, transformation and climate change Councillor Jeremy Kenyon, Councillor Tracy Reader, who represents Clay Cross north, said: “Would the cabinet member tell council how much of the £24m Clay Cross Town Deal Fund has now been spent or committed, including detailing how much has been spent on employing external consultants?”
Coun Kenyon explained that of the £9.41m already committed, £7m was for Sharley Park Leisure Centre, £150k was for a railway station feasibility study, £150k for a low carbon energy strategy and £160k for project management.
He added that £1.95m has been set aside for a low carbon grant fund.
So far, only £94k has actually been spent on the scheme, and this has been for programme management.
Coun Kenyon explained that the programme management team acted as an ‘interface’ between the funder and the council to ensure all aspects of the scheme were compliant and delivered to the correct timescale.
“There is also a project manager role driving the project forward from concept to submission, which is what the £94k is for,” he added.
“The initial grant of £24.1million was also supported by £252k of Government funding for specialist consultancy and preparing business cases and to refine the provisional concepts on the bid and that’s part of the assurance and development process.”
Plans for the ambitious project include regeneration of Market Street and Bridge Street, the creation of the Sharley Park Community Hub and low carbon initiatives.
Coun Kenyon said skills such as economists, cost and consultants, building surveyors and architects were not retained ‘in house’, meaning they needed to be sourced externally.
Coun Reader thanked the cabinet member for the update, and asked that Clay Cross Parish Council be kept more in the loop on the project as it progressed.
Coun Kenyon stated that it was Clay Cross Town Board that was ‘responsible for running the project’, but agreed that the parish council could receive more direct reports.
Conditions of the town deal funding dictate that it must be spent by 2026.