The University of Derby are opening their doors and offering a FREE friendly breastfeeding support group. The drop-in sessions will run from the 15th of September on the first and third Thursday of the month, between 10:30am – 12:00pm at the Chesterfield St Helena campus.
Whether you are expecting a child, are new to parenting, or are further down your parenting journey- all are welcome! The group will be led by experienced breastfeeding supporters, who are trained and supervised by Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire. They will provide non-judgemental support and information for families attending the group.
“It’s great that the Community Chesterfield Project has enabled us to work with the University of Derby in this way.” Says Alexandra Dilkes from Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire. “It’s a wonderful venue, centrally located and easy to get to.”
Free refreshments will be provided, as well as a selection of toys to entertain the little ones! There is plenty of public parking available within a 2-minute walk of the venue but none on Campus.
“I am so glad that we were able to bring Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire back to the University of Derby in Chesterfield, they make such a big difference to parents – particularly in the early days of being a parent. It’s thanks to the University that we have been able to offer the group such a fantastic venue.” Says Jennifer Raschbauer from Community Chesterfield.
Over the last two years, local volunteers from Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire, known as Feeding Together Bolsover and Chesterfield, haven’t let the pandemic stop them supporting families! They have been providing remote support and running regular ‘Parent in the Park’ walks at Poolsbrook Country Park.
The organisation will also be running sessions at Staveley Healthy Living Centre and Bolsover Children’s Centre. To find out what exciting things they’ve got coming up, check out their Facebook pages (@Bolsoverbfgroup and @bfnderbyshire).