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Derbyshire libraries tackling the digital divide and helping people to get online

People who don’t use computers, or who want to get more out of their computer, are being encouraged by our libraries service to join the digital world during Get Online Week from 18 to 24 October 2021.

Anyone who would like to learn more about getting online is invited to take up free one-to-one computer sessions with one of our librarians, so they can develop their knowledge and skills.

Get Online Week is a national celebration from the Good Things Foundation – a charity working for digital inclusion – that highlights the benefits of learning digital skills and getting online, as well as providing information about support available for those who are digitally excluded or who want to learn more about how to do things online.

Our libraries are getting involved by supporting people to learn more about how to use a smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer.

Councillor Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council and Cabinet Member for Strategic Leadership, Culture, Tourism and Climate Change, said:

“Such a lot of modern life is inaccessible to people who haven’t yet got online. This is a fantastic opportunity to take that first step with our friendly and helpful librarians.

“And people who do go online already but are unsure of their skills and would like to be able to do more will also benefit from a bit of expert tuition.”

Libraries currently run the digital skills support sessions over the phone and tailor them to fit people’s needs, whether that’s getting started on the internet, learning how to search and apply for jobs online, or finding out how to use the library eBooks service. Derbyshire library members can access free eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers online.

Library staff can support people wanting to develop their digital skills for work, career or business through the Make it Click project resources, and if they take part before 30 November they have the chance to enter a prize draw to win a laptop.

People can also find out how to use social media, where they can look out for activities, events and information on Derbyshire libraries’ Facebook or Twitter during Get Online Week and beyond.

Anyone in Derbyshire who needs to get something done online or who wants to use the free wifi or computers in their local library, please get in touch with Derbyshire’s Library Information Service on 01629 533444 or email ask.library@derbyshire.gov.uk

A librarian will then ring them, have a talk through how they can help and make an appointment (usually for around an hour) to do that.

Councillor Lewis added:

“The pandemic has shown us how valuable online connections are to keep us in touch with friends and loved ones. If you’re someone who has been missing out on the digital world, I would urge you to find out more and see how you can benefit.”