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Sites wanted to help drive economic and environmental improvement in North Derbyshire.

Bolsover Council have announced a ‘call for sites’ to landowners and other stakeholders to help us identify possible locations for development and environmental improvement.

The ‘call for sites’ supports our ‘Vision Bolsover’ prospectus, relates to our Local Plan evidence base and will inform a refresh of the Land Availability Assessments.

It is important this evidence base remains up-to-date, to support our future growth plans around the Shirebrook Growth Corridor and to be prepared should the Government bring forward the reform of the planning system as outlined in the Planning White Paper.

However, in view of the aspirations within the Vision Bolsover document and for us to act as the economic and environmental driver for Bolsover District, the call for sites is being extended from its more traditional built developments to include wildlife habitat creation, tree planting and environmental restoration.

The full list of suggested land uses is as follows:

Employment and businesses
Town and local centre retail
Gypsy and traveller and travelling showpeople
Custom build and self build housing
Tourism activity
Leisure and recreation
Energy generation and other infrastructure provision
Wildlife habitat creation
Tree planting
Environmental restoration
Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance, Councillor Duncan McGregor, said “We have always been a forward looking Council and this call for sites demonstrates our readiness to plan for the future.

“As an authority, we are in a good position with a recently adopted Local Plan and a very healthy housing supply position and this allows us to properly plan for the District. However, we know that this good position was achieved by our hard work and planning to do things at the right time to get ahead of the curve. It is in this same vein that we now want to update our Land Availability Assessment evidence to ensure we are prepared for the future.

“As expressed in Vision Bolsover, we aim to ensure that we get the right development in the right place. But we also recognise that good growth involves sustainable planning to improve our environment, both as an environmental resource for our communities but also for nature as well.

“That’s why our ‘call for sites’ is showing the kind of foresight this country needs by also calling for suggestions of sites for wildlife habitat creation, tree planting and environmental restoration.

“If you own or know of a suitable piece of land for any of these suggested land uses, please get in touch so we can work with you.”

Anyone wishing to promote a site to us should submit their suggestion by email in the manner stated on our ‘Call for Sites’ webpage before 30 September 2021. To discuss potential sites with Planning Officers, please contact us on either 01246 242203 or 01246 242292.

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